Greatness Inside (60 Sec Read)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Whenever you’re down,
Frown, swollen eyes to the ground,
Feel defeated and low,
Like you’ve nowhere to go,
Feel isolated, decimated,
Lonely, fragile or even hated,
Remember there’s Greatness inside of you

Whenever you’ve fallen,
Your results are appalling,
You’ve missed expectations,
Disappointed relations,
You feel like you’re nothing,
Not enough, lost your stuffing,
Remember, there’s Greatness inside of you

There’s greatness inside,
When you’ve nowhere to hide,
You must call it to action,
Don’t depend on distraction,
To heal that pain,
That drives your mind insane,
Knowing what you could be,
If you only will free,
The unstoppable force,
That will run the full course,
Through the death and divorce,
From that old friend remorse

You must realise, internalise,
Register before your own eyes,
The power that lies,
Deep inside your disguise,
That superficial mask,
Distracted you from your task,
To share your music now,
In every which way and HOW
CAN YOU NOT share your light
And continue to fight,
It can not be denied…

You’ve got Greatness Inside


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  • Ibrahim Abu Ahmad

    Reply Reply October 9, 2018

    Its like the mantra of the Law of Attraction… Affirmation

    • David Citron

      Reply Reply October 10, 2018

      Great connection Ibrahim. There is a power in the repetition as our Greatness is so easy to forget about. We must be responsible for it like a parent’s responsibility for their child – a treasured blessing not to be taken for granted.

  • Lawrence

    Reply Reply October 9, 2018

    Thank you for sharing. It is spirit-lifting for me at least and I am sure for a lot more others as well.

    • David Citron

      Reply Reply October 10, 2018

      Thank you Lawrence. So pleased to hear that it lifted your spirits! Keep using it weekly!! There is no reason to struggle through forgetting our Greatness when we can keep a routine to remind ourselves.

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